Are you searching for a new home? If, during your search, you come across a leasehold property, how do you know if you should buy it or steer clear? There are a few key things that you need to know before you make an offer - read this article to find out.

Are you trying to sell your home? Perhaps after the market in recent years, you were hoping for a quick sale, maybe even a stampede of viewers with offers flying in and the price rising, but instead, you've just had tumbleweeds? Read this article to find out why your home might not be getting the interest you were expecting and how to fix it.

We have somewhat of an obsession with buying property, getting our foot on the ladder and owning a little house of our own. But with rising living costs, interest rates and house prices, will this be possible for our children?

If you're about to put your home on the market, you might be considering ways to make a few changes here and there that will help guarantee a sale, particularly if you've already set your heart on a property to buy. Read more to see if you can use Feng Shui to hack your way to a speedy sale this summer.

The average tenant stays in the same property for around 2 or 3 years. But a lot can change in that time. If you've managed to keep the same tenants in your property for more than 2 years, have you considered whether the rental amount is still correct? Read this article to find out more.

Are you trying to sell your home right now? Make sure you don't make any of these top mistakes that could reduce your chances of selling.

Are you seeing the news reports about rising rental prices and huge tenant demand but wondering why your property has sat around without any applications? Perhaps you have been unable to increase the rental value, and you wonder how this could be? This article will explain how to guarantee you a great tenant at a great rental price quickly! Read on to find out how…

Are you trying to sell your property right now and not getting the interest levels you hoped for? Are viewing figures down? When you initially launched to the market, were you hit with a stampede of interest, or was it more like tumbleweeds? Read this article to figure out if your property is overpriced.

Once upon a time, reducing the price of your property was considered a terrible thing to do. It made you look desperate, and buyers could take advantage of your desperation and make ridiculously low offers. But, as we head into a changing property market, is that still the case?

Is the housing market in turmoil? Are prices are going to drop, and our monthly mortgage payments are about to go through the roof! If you're currently trying to sell your property, have you lost hope? Should you abandon your home moving plans and take the property off the market? Read on to find out…

Our homes are our castles, and we like nothing more than styling and personalising them to our own tastes. DIY is a huge business in the UK, and almost all of us have an ongoing project, improving or changing some aspect of our home, changing wallpaper, paint colours, or maybe even tiles and flooring. But how much could this DIY obsession affect the value of our home?

If 99% of property searchers start their search for their dream home online, should you be impressed by the brochure that an agent tells you they will create?